

  • Podium presentation as part of a group at a Regional Sigma Theta Tau Odyssey Conference on the topic of innovative teaching strategies for nursing (10/2012)
  • Whole Notes - Interviewing and Documenting Presentation Participated in a panel discussion for CME for Loma Linda University Homecoming with representatives from the School of Dentistry, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy (04/2018)
  • Loma Linda University Homecoming, Loma Linda, CA - “When Everyone is an Expert: Health, Prevention and Science in the Digital Age” Panel Discussion (03/2022)
  • Loma Linda University Homecoming, Loma Linda, CA “A Servants Heart: Therapeutic Communication and Vulnerable Populations” (03/2022)
  • Odyssey Conference - Sigma Theta Tau International “The Impact of Enhancing Patient Self-care and Self-efficacy in Hypertension Management in Primary Care” with Dr. Renaleen Tomagan (10/2023)
  • Odyssey Conference – Sigma Theta Tau International “Resiliency Training for Nurse Managers” with Dr. Norie Bencito (10/2023)


  • March 4, 2021 – Loma Linda University Homecoming, Loma Linda, CA “From Pandemic to Purposeful Practice: Innovating Healthcare Education and Delivery for the Future” Panel Discussion (03/2021)


  • Loma Linda University Medical Center - Research Day Enhancing NP Students’ Cultural Competency to Work with American Indians (05/2018)
  • American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Supporting Nurse Practitioner Preceptors Present initial information regarding needs of Nurse Practitioner Preceptors including ways to enhance and support the role (06/2018)
  • January 30 to February 1, 2020 – AACN Doctoral Education Conference Naples. FL “To evaluate doctor of nurse practice (DNP) students’ readiness for nurse practitioner (NP) clinical rotations and use resultant data to inform revisions to the curriculum to mitigate any identified gaps in student clinical skills for a hybrid DNP Program” with Dr. Robin Pueschel, Andrea Champlin, MPH, Jasmine Saunders, MPH and Dr. Lisa Roberts (01/2020)
  • June 22 to June 26 – AANP Annual Conference New Orleans, LA “Hybrid course educational strategies for teaching advanced health assessment” with Dr. Robin Pueschel, Dr. Joanna Yang, DNP, Andrea Champlin, MPH, Jasmine Saunders, MPH and Dr. Lisa Roberts (06/2020)
  • January 30 to February 1, 2020 – AACN Doctoral Education Conference Naples. FL “To evaluate doctor of nurse practice (DNP) students’ readiness for nurse practitioner (NP) clinical rotations and use resultant data to inform revisions to the curriculum to mitigate any identified gaps in student clinical skills for a hybrid DNP Program” with Dr. Robin Pueschel DNP, Andrea Champlin, MPH, Jasmine Saunders, MPH and Dr. Lisa Roberts, DrPH (09/2020)
  • March 4 to 8, 2021 – Loma Linda University Homecoming, Loma Linda, CA “Preceptor Coaching Strategies for Challenging Nurse Practitioner Students” with Dr. Lisa Roberts, Dr. Robin Pueschel, Andrea Champlin and Jasmine Sanders (03/2021)
  • March 4 to 8, 2021 – Loma Linda University Homecoming, Loma Linda, CA “Enhancing Teaching Methodologies for Differential Diagnosis in a Hybrid DNP-NP Program” with Dr. Robin Pueschel, Dr. Joanna Yang, DNP, Andrea Champlin, MPH, Jasmine Saunders, MPH and Dr. Lisa Roberts (03/2021)
  • California Association of Long Term Care Medicine - “Improving Care Transitions and Self-Efficacy for Skills Nursing Facility Patients and Caregivers”; 1st place poster presentation (11/2022)
  • “A Video-based Opioid Overdose Education Program for the Ambulatory Setting” with Dr. Reynaldo Gamo (05/2023)
  • “Implementing a Sleep Hygiene Bundle in the Adult Inpatient Setting: An EBP Project” with Dr. Bradley Wilson (05/2023)
  • “Restraints Education and Alternatives: A Quality Improvement Project” with Dr. Mansi Patel (05/2023)
  • “Self-Guided Sleep Education For Outpatient Psychiatric Patients with Sleep Disturbances or Insomnia Disorder” with Dr. Joshua Bui (05/2023)
  • “The Effect of Psychotropic Medication-Specific Training on Adult Inpatient Psychiatric RN Confidence in Knowledge and Patients’ Education Satisfaction Scores” with Dr. Alex Capuchino (05/2023)
  • Western Institute of Nursing - The Effect of Noise Reduction on Sleep Quality and Patient Satisfaction with Dr. Tram Nguyen (04/2024)
  • Loma Linda University Annual EBP and Research Conference - Using Educational Strategies to Decrease the No-Show Rates in a Pediatric Specialty Clinic with Dr. Aida Girma (05/2024)
  • Loma Linda University Annual EBP and Research Conference - Compassion Fatigue Program in Oncology Nurses with Dr. Amanda Tavarez   (05/2024)


  • Podium presentation - "Building Manager Resilience Through Emotional Intelligence" with Dr. NorieNemcito at the Fourth National Summit on PRomoting Well-being and Resilence in Healthcare Professionals in Columnus Ohop (10/2024)