Research Projects & Grants

  • Characterization of Rad knockout mice, Role: Investigator, (05/2023 - 05/2026) Status: Approved
  • Gestational Hypoxia and Developmental Plasticity, Role: Investigator, (02/2023 - 02/2026) Status: Approved


  • Mechanisms of uterine artery hemodynamics adaptation to pregnancy and gestational hypoxia, Role: Co-Investigator, National Institutes of Health/DHHS, (06/2023 - 04/2025) Status: Awarded
  • Mechanisms of newborn pulmonary hypertension caused by chronic intrauterine hypoxia, Role: Co-Investigator, National Institutes of Health/DHHS, (01/2022 - 11/2024) Status: Awarded
  • Gestational Hypoxia and Programming of Maternal, Fetal and Newborn Vascular Function, Role: Co-Investigator, National Institutes of Health/DHHS, (07/2020 - 06/2025) Status: Awarded
  • Uterine Arterial Spontaneous Transient Outward Currents in Pregnancy, Role: Co-Investigator, National Institutes of Health/DHHS, (06/2017 - 05/2022) Status: Closed
  • Gestational Hypoxia and Developmental Plasticity, Role: Co-Investigator, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS, (04/2016 - 02/2023) Status: Closed
  • Epigenetic mechanisms of uterine vascular adaptation to pregnancy and hypoxia, Role: Co-Investigator, National Institutes of Health/DHHS, (07/2015 - 03/2021) Status: Closed
  • DNA Demethylation and BKca Channel Expression and Function in Uterine Arteries, Role: Co-Investigator, National Institutes of Health/DHHS, (03/2015 - 02/2018) Status: Closed


  • Developmental Programming of Cardiovascular and Neurologic Disorders, Role: Investigator, LLU School of Medicine, (04/2022 - 04/2025) Status: Approved
  • Characterization of microRNA-210 knockout mice, Role: Investigator, LLU School of Medicine, (04/2022 - 04/2025) Status: Approved