

  • Too many to list.  Every year at least 5 posters are acceped to APHA.  (09/2011)


  • Motivational announcements at numerous Black Adventist churches, camp meetings, and Black Convocations across the country, 1-2 times a month, promoting the Adventist Health Study-2. "." . (Present)
  • . "." Camp meetings . Central CA; Northeastern, Southwest Region Southern CA, Southeastern CA (07/2004 - 09/2004)
  • . "Motivational announcements at , 2-3 times a month, promoting the Adventist Health Study-2." . numerous Black Adventist churches, camp meetings, and Black Convocations across the country (07/2004 - 06/2005)
  • . "The Adventist Health Study-2 Revisiting Plan ." Consultant?s training. (08/2004)
  • . "Adventist Health Study recruitment speech." Operation Reachback Thinktank. Philadelphia, PA (10/2004)
  • . "The Adventist Health Study-2." Consultants training for Allegheny East. Baltimore, MD (10/2004)
  • . "2 poster presentations (AHS-2 art project & recruiting)." APHA. Washington, DC (11/2004)
  • . "The Adventist Health Study-2 Revisiting Plan." Black Ministerial Counsel (All Black Pastors in North America and Canada. Oakwood College, Huntsville, Ala (12/2004)
  • . "The Adventist Health Study-2 Revisiting Plan ." Southwest Region Conference Worker?s Meeting. Dallas, TX (01/2005)
  • . "The Adventist Health Study-2 Revisiting Plan." Southeastern CA Conference Workers Meeting (for pastors. Dallas, TX (01/2005)
  • . "The Adventist Health Study-2." Oakwood College Alumni Association Homecoming Weekend . Hunstville, Alabama (03/2005)
  • Association of SDA Women (10/2018)