
Online Publications

Scholarly Journals--Published

  • Couden Hernandez, B., ChenFeng, JL, & Schwenke, NJ. (2023). Supporting physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cumulative feminist autoethnography. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 42(1), 56-73. (03/2023)
  • Genstler, K, Terrones, AB, Chow, B., Roxas K., Tan, J., Couden Hernandez, B, Deming, D & Vercio, C. . Spiritual Care in the NICU from the Parents' Perspective: A Mixed Methods Study. Academic Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatology, 12(2). DOI: 10.19080/apn.2022.12.555889 (12/2022)
  • Couden Hernandez, B., ChenFeng, J., Schill, A. & Lee, S. (in press). A Biopsychosocial-spiritual wellness check program for internal medicine residents: A Brief Review. Families, Systems & Health, 41(1), 54-60.  (06/2022)
  • Cheng, J., Wagner, H. Hu, J., Ko, E., Hernandez, B, & Ruckle, H. (2020). Stressors and coping mechanisms related to burnout within urology. Urology.  139. (02/2020)
  • Reibling, E.T., Distelberg, B., Guptill, M. & Couden Hernandez, B. (2020). Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Experienced by Physicians. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 11:2150132720965077. (2020)
  • Cheng, J.W., Wagner, H., Couden Hernandez, B., & Ruckle, H.C. (2019). consistencies and discrepancies between the expectations of urology trainees and the experience of practicing urologists. Urology, May;127:42-48. (11/2018)
  • Pepper, V.K., Thirumoothi, A., Munoz, A., Vannix, R., Baerg, J., Hernandez, B., & Tagge, E. (2018). Surgery residents and family dynamics: Are our trainees equipped to handle patient care beyond disease? The American Surgeon, 84(10):1551-1554. (11/2018)
  • Weed, J. & Couden Hernandez, B. (2018). A light in the closet: Spiritually informed conceptual model for religiously derived mixed orientation marriages. In E. Esmiol Wilson & L. Nice (eds.), 2018 American Family Therapy Academy: Springer Briefs, pp. 63-73. (11/2018)
  • Kim, L., Hernandez, B., Lavery, A. & Denmark, T.K. (2016). Collaborative reflective training in medical education. Families, Systems and Health, 34(2):83-91. (11/2018)
  • Couden Hernandez, B., Kim, L., Lavery, A. & Denmark, T.K. (2016). Fostering self-awareness in collaborative reflective training: Commentary response. Families, Systems & Health, 34(3):292-293. (11/2018)
  • Lawson, L., Knudson-Martin, C., & Couden Hernandez, B. (2017). Student healthcare clinicians' illness narratives: Professional identity development and relational practice. American Journal of Family Therapy, 45(3), 149-162. (11/2018)
  • Hernandez Barbara Couden. (2014). Sounds. Families, Systems, & Health, 32(3), 348-348. (2014) (link)
  • Couden Hernandez, B. & Thomas, T. (2014). The development of a physician vitality program: A brief report. Journal of Marital and Family therapy. doi: 10.1111/jmft.12085 (Present)
  • Couden Hernandez, B., Reibling, E., Maddox, C. Kahn, M. (2015). Physician experience with intimate partner violence: A review. Journal of Women's Health, 25(3):311-320. (Present)
  • Evaluation of a Fath-Based Psychoeducational Approach to Forgiveness. Hernandez, B., Vonderfecht, H., Smith, S., Cress, P., Davis, R., & Bigger, D. (2012). Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work, 31(3). (Present)
  • Couden Hernandez, B., Schwenke, N., & Wilson, C. (2011). Mixed orientation  marriages: A critical review of empirical work. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 37(3), 307 - 318. (Present)
  • Hernandez, B. Couden, & Doherty, W.. "Marriage and family therapists and psychotropic medications ." Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 31. (2005): 177-189. (Present)
  • Aten, J.D., & Couden Hernandez, B.. "Addressing religion in clinical supervision: A Model. ." Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research 41. (2004): 142-160. (Present)
  • Morgan, P. & Couden Hernandez, B.. "The Turtle." Journal of Loss and Trauma 12. (2007): 45-59. (Present)
  • Couden Hernandez, B. & Wilson, C.. "Another kind of ambiguous loss: Seventh-day Adventist women in mixed orientation marriages.." Family Relations 56. (2007): 184-195. (Present)
  • Aten, J.D. & Couden Hernandez, B. (2005). A Twenty-five Year Review of Qualitative Research Published in Spiritually and Psychologically Oriented Journals. Journal of Psychotherapy:  Practice and Research, 24, 266 – 277. (Present)
  • Boss, P., & Couden, B. (2002). Ambiguous loss from Chronic Physical Illness: Clinical  Interventions with Individuals, Couples and Families. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Special Issue: Chronic Illness, 58,1351-1360. (Present)
  • Couden, B. (2002) Sometimes I Want to Run: A Nurse Reflects on Loss in the Intensive Care Unit.             Journal of Loss and Trauma, 7 (1), 35-45. (Present)

Scholarly Journals--Submitted

  • Faison, G., Oei, G. & Couden Hernandez, B. A qualitative study of neonatologists caring for periviable infants. (submitted) American Journal of Bioethics (02/2023)


  • Couden Hernandez, B. First do no harm: Supporting physicians escaping abusive relationships. Abstract, International Family Therapy Association annual conference, April 7, 2022, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (04/2022)
  • Pepper, V., Thirumoorthi, A., Munoz, A., Vannix, R., Olson, J., Crane, T., Baerg, J., Hernandez, B. & Tagge, E. (2018). Surgery Residents and Family Dynamics: Are our Trainees Equipped to Handle Patient Care Beyond the Disease? American College of Surgeons, SoCal Chapter, Annual Scientific Meeting, Santa Barbara. (2018)
  • Karume M W, Hernandez B, Huenergardt D, & Boyd K. (2011). EVALUATION OF A RELATIONAL SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR FIBROMYALGIA PATIENTS. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41, S31-S31. (Present)

Books and Chapters

  • Couden Hernandez, B. & Reibling, E. (2019). Bruises under the white coat: Partner violence of women physicians. In A. Thorp & B. Couden Hernandez (eds.), Building my village: A woman's guide through a career in medicine. Los Angeles, CA: Sinclair Printing Company/Loma Linda University Press. (11/2020)
  • Couden Hernandez, B. & Thomas, T. (2019). Gender and language in medicine. In A. Thorp & B. Couden Hernandez (eds.), Building my village: A woman's guide through a career in medicine. Los Angeles, CA: Sinclair Printing Company/Loma Linda University Press. (11/2019)
  • Sannidhi, D., Daxini, A. Matthews, J. & Couden Hernandez, B. (2019). Behavioral Change. Unit 4: Sustaining Change and Preventing Relapse. Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum. Chesterfield, MO: American College of Lifestyle Medicine. (10/2019)
  • Organizational opportunities to enhance physician learning. In T. Hamilton & D. McCallister, Medicus Integra(c): Toward whole physicians for America's Future. Springer Publishing. (11/2018)
  • ChenFeng, J., Sundin, J. & Couden Hernandez, B. (2018). Role of Physician Wellness. Unit 1: Physician Self-Care. Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum. Chsterfield, MO: American College of Lifestyle Medicine. (11/2018)
  • Couden Hernandez, B. & Kim, Heidi, (accepted for publication). Family violence in Seventh-day Adventist homes.    In A. Gottstein (ed.), Family violence and religion: An interfaith resource guide, 2nd edition. Volcano Press. (11/2007)
  • Leach, Aten, Wade, & Couden Hernandez (2009). Exploring spirituality through the clinical intake. In J. Aten & M. Leach (eds), Spirituality in the mental health process. (Present)
  • B. Couden Hernandez, Supervision from a Seventh-day Adventist Worldview (2011). In C.Fayard, B. Couden Hernandez, G. Harding & B. Anderson, A Christian worldview and mental health: Adventist perspectives, 423 - 447. Berrien Springs, MI:  Andrews University Press. (Present)
  • Hernandez, B. Couden, & Aten, J. (2011). Children''s perceptions of God''s role in the family: An exploratory study. In C.Fayard, B. Hernandez, G. Harding & B. Anderson, A Christian worldview and mental health: Adventist perspectives, 235 - 260. Berrien Springs, MI:  Andrews University Press. (Present)
  • C.Fayard, B. Couden Hernandez, G. Harding & B. Anderson (Eds), (2011).  A Christian worldview and mental health: Adventist perspectives. Andrews University Press. (Present)
  • Flowers, K. & Hernandez, B. Couden (Eds.), (2009). Binding Up Bruised Reeds: A Quick Reference Guide for Pastors on Ministry to Families Experiencing Abuse and Family Violence. Peace & Healing: Resource Kit for Making Homes Abuse-Free. Lincoln, Nebraska: AdventSource. (Present) (link)
  • Sedlacek, B., Sedlacek, D., & Couden Hernandez, B. (2015). A voice for the voiceless: The challenges of mental illness and the hope of mental health. In R. Maier, Church and society: Missiological challenges for the Seventh-day Adventist church. Andrews University Press. (Present)
  • Couden Hernandez, B. & Kim, L. (2014). Personal awareness and professional identification through Collaborative Reflective Training. In R.Bean, S. Davis, & M. Davey, (eds.), Increased Self-Awareness: Experiential Exercises for Dedicated Clinicians and Supervisions. Wiley. (Present)
  • Hernandez, B. Couden, & Nyairo, C.B. (2015). Understanding female genital cutting. In R. Maier (Ed.), Church and society: Missiological challenges for the Seventh-day Adventist church. Andrews University Press. (Present)
  • Hernandez, B. Couden & Karume, W.M. (2015). Prostituted hearts and bodies. In R. Maier (Ed.), Church and Society: Missiological challenges for the Seventh-day Adventist church. Andrews University Press. (Present)
  • No More Excuses, by Mable and Colin Dunbar (B. Hernandez, Ed). AdventSource, 2010. (Present) (link)

Non-Scholarly Journals

  • Couden Hernandez, B. (2018). Lean in a Little Closer. Adventist Review, 195(9): 60-61. (10/2018)