Hernandez, BC, Schwenke, NJ & Hamilton, T. (2024). The Medicus Integra(c) Award: A Qualitative Program Evaluation. Coalition for Physician Well-Being. Unpublished paper. https://www.forphysicianwellbeing.org/medicus-integra
Scholarly Journals--Published
Couden Hernandez, B., ChenFeng, JL, & Schwenke, NJ. (2023). Supporting physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cumulative feminist autoethnography. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 42(1), 56-73. https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1521/jsyt.2023.42.1.56
Genstler, K, Terrones, AB, Chow, B., Roxas K., Tan, J., Couden Hernandez, B, Deming, D & Vercio, C. . Spiritual Care in the NICU from the Parents' Perspective: A Mixed Methods Study. Academic Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatology, 12(2). DOI: 10.19080/apn.2022.12.555889
Couden Hernandez, B., ChenFeng, J., Schill, A. & Lee, S. (in press). A Biopsychosocial-spiritual wellness check program for internal medicine residents: A Brief Review. Families, Systems & Health, 41(1), 54-60. https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Ffsh0000727
Cheng, J., Wagner, H. Hu, J., Ko, E., Hernandez, B, & Ruckle, H. (2020). Stressors and coping mechanisms related to burnout within urology. Urology. 139.
Reibling, E.T., Distelberg, B., Guptill, M. & Couden Hernandez, B. (2020). Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Experienced by Physicians. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 11:2150132720965077.
Cheng, J.W., Wagner, H., Couden Hernandez, B., & Ruckle, H.C. (2019). consistencies and discrepancies between the expectations of urology trainees and the experience of practicing urologists. Urology, May;127:42-48.
Pepper, V.K., Thirumoothi, A., Munoz, A., Vannix, R., Baerg, J., Hernandez, B., & Tagge, E. (2018). Surgery residents and family dynamics: Are our trainees equipped to handle patient care beyond disease? The American Surgeon, 84(10):1551-1554.
Weed, J. & Couden Hernandez, B. (2018). A light in the closet: Spiritually informed conceptual model for religiously derived mixed orientation marriages. In E. Esmiol Wilson & L. Nice (eds.), 2018 American Family Therapy Academy: Springer Briefs, pp. 63-73.
Kim, L., Hernandez, B., Lavery, A. & Denmark, T.K. (2016). Collaborative reflective training in medical education. Families, Systems and Health, 34(2):83-91.
Couden Hernandez, B., Kim, L., Lavery, A. & Denmark, T.K. (2016). Fostering self-awareness in collaborative reflective training: Commentary response. Families, Systems & Health, 34(3):292-293.
Lawson, L., Knudson-Martin, C., & Couden Hernandez, B. (2017). Student healthcare clinicians' illness narratives: Professional identity development and relational practice. American Journal of Family Therapy, 45(3), 149-162.
Couden Hernandez, B. & Thomas, T. (2014). The development of a physician vitality program: A brief report. Journal of Marital and Family therapy. doi: 10.1111/jmft.12085
Couden Hernandez, B., Reibling, E., Maddox, C. Kahn, M. (2015). Physician experience with intimate partner violence: A review. Journal of Women's Health, 25(3):311-320.
Evaluation of a Fath-Based Psychoeducational Approach to Forgiveness. Hernandez, B., Vonderfecht, H., Smith, S., Cress, P., Davis, R., & Bigger, D. (2012). Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work, 31(3).
Couden Hernandez, B., Schwenke, N., & Wilson, C. (2011). Mixed orientation marriages: A critical review of empirical work. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 37(3), 307 - 318.
Hernandez, B. Couden, & Doherty, W.. "Marriage and family therapists and psychotropic medications ." Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 31. (2005): 177-189.
Aten, J.D., & Couden Hernandez, B.. "Addressing religion in clinical supervision: A Model. ." Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research 41. (2004): 142-160.
Morgan, P. & Couden Hernandez, B.. "The Turtle." Journal of Loss and Trauma 12. (2007): 45-59.
Couden Hernandez, B. & Wilson, C.. "Another kind of ambiguous loss: Seventh-day Adventist women in mixed orientation marriages.." Family Relations 56. (2007): 184-195.
Aten, J.D. & Couden Hernandez, B. (2005). A Twenty-five Year Review of Qualitative Research Published in Spiritually and Psychologically Oriented Journals. Journal of Psychotherapy: Practice and Research, 24, 266 – 277.
Boss, P., & Couden, B. (2002). Ambiguous loss from Chronic Physical Illness: Clinical Interventions with Individuals, Couples and Families. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Special Issue: Chronic Illness, 58,1351-1360.
Couden, B. (2002) Sometimes I Want to Run: A Nurse Reflects on Loss in the Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 7 (1), 35-45.
Scholarly Journals--Submitted
Faison, G., Oei, G. & Couden Hernandez, B. A qualitative study of neonatologists caring for periviable infants. (submitted) American Journal of Bioethics
Couden Hernandez, B. First do no harm: Supporting physicians escaping abusive relationships. Abstract, International Family Therapy Association annual conference, April 7, 2022, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Pepper, V., Thirumoorthi, A., Munoz, A., Vannix, R., Olson, J., Crane, T., Baerg, J., Hernandez, B. & Tagge, E. (2018). Surgery Residents and Family Dynamics: Are our Trainees Equipped to Handle Patient Care Beyond the Disease? American College of Surgeons, SoCal Chapter, Annual Scientific Meeting, Santa Barbara.
Karume M W, Hernandez B, Huenergardt D, & Boyd K. (2011). EVALUATION OF A RELATIONAL SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR FIBROMYALGIA PATIENTS. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41, S31-S31.
Books and Chapters
Couden Hernandez, B. & Reibling, E. (2019). Bruises under the white coat: Partner violence of women physicians. In A. Thorp & B. Couden Hernandez (eds.), Building my village: A woman's guide through a career in medicine. Los Angeles, CA: Sinclair Printing Company/Loma Linda University Press.
Couden Hernandez, B. & Thomas, T. (2019). Gender and language in medicine. In A. Thorp & B. Couden Hernandez (eds.), Building my village: A woman's guide through a career in medicine. Los Angeles, CA: Sinclair Printing Company/Loma Linda University Press.
Sannidhi, D., Daxini, A. Matthews, J. & Couden Hernandez, B. (2019). Behavioral Change. Unit 4: Sustaining Change and Preventing Relapse. Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum. Chesterfield, MO: American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
Organizational opportunities to enhance physician learning. In T. Hamilton & D. McCallister, Medicus Integra(c): Toward whole physicians for America's Future. Springer Publishing.
ChenFeng, J., Sundin, J. & Couden Hernandez, B. (2018). Role of Physician Wellness. Unit 1: Physician Self-Care. Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum. Chsterfield, MO: American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
Couden Hernandez, B. & Kim, Heidi, (accepted for publication). Family violence in Seventh-day Adventist homes. In A. Gottstein (ed.), Family violence and religion: An interfaith resource guide, 2nd edition. Volcano Press.
Leach, Aten, Wade, & Couden Hernandez (2009). Exploring spirituality through the clinical intake. In J. Aten & M. Leach (eds), Spirituality in the mental health process.
B. Couden Hernandez, Supervision from a Seventh-day Adventist Worldview (2011). In C.Fayard, B. Couden Hernandez, G. Harding & B. Anderson, A Christian worldview and mental health: Adventist perspectives, 423 - 447. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.
Hernandez, B. Couden, & Aten, J. (2011). Children''s perceptions of God''s role in the family: An exploratory study. In C.Fayard, B. Hernandez, G. Harding & B. Anderson, A Christian worldview and mental health: Adventist perspectives, 235 - 260. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.
C.Fayard, B. Couden Hernandez, G. Harding & B. Anderson (Eds), (2011). A Christian worldview and mental health: Adventist perspectives. Andrews University Press.
Flowers, K. & Hernandez, B. Couden (Eds.), (2009). Binding Up Bruised Reeds: A Quick Reference Guide for Pastors on Ministry to Families Experiencing Abuse and Family Violence. Peace & Healing: Resource Kit for Making Homes Abuse-Free. Lincoln, Nebraska: AdventSource.
Sedlacek, B., Sedlacek, D., & Couden Hernandez, B. (2015). A voice for the voiceless: The challenges of mental illness and the hope of mental health. In R. Maier, Church and society: Missiological challenges for the Seventh-day Adventist church. Andrews University Press.
Couden Hernandez, B. & Kim, L. (2014). Personal awareness and professional identification through Collaborative Reflective Training. In R.Bean, S. Davis, & M. Davey, (eds.), Increased Self-Awareness: Experiential Exercises for Dedicated Clinicians and Supervisions. Wiley.
Hernandez, B. Couden, & Nyairo, C.B. (2015). Understanding female genital cutting. In R. Maier (Ed.), Church and society: Missiological challenges for the Seventh-day Adventist church. Andrews University Press.
Hernandez, B. Couden & Karume, W.M. (2015). Prostituted hearts and bodies. In R. Maier (Ed.), Church and Society: Missiological challenges for the Seventh-day Adventist church. Andrews University Press.
No More Excuses, by Mable and Colin Dunbar (B. Hernandez, Ed). AdventSource, 2010.
Non-Scholarly Journals
Couden Hernandez, B. (2018). Lean in a Little Closer. Adventist Review, 195(9): 60-61.