Alumni Post-Graduate Convention: “Who cares about ethics?” March 1, 2012. Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA. (03/2012)
VA Continuing Education Course--"Ethical issues in patient decision making" September, 1990-Northport, NY (09/1990)
15th Annual Primary Care Update--"Limited resources, unlimited needs, what can the practicing physician do?" October 17, 1990, Loma Linda University School of Medicine continuing medical education. (10/1990)
Geriatrics conference: Emerging ethical and clinical perspectives--"Decisions to terminate care: advance directives," and "Ideal health care systems for the 90''s: What do American''s want?" June 6, 1991, Bar Harbor, Me. V.A. Cooperative Health Education Program, Togus, Me. (06/1991)
Medical Grand Rounds: "Advance directives for health care." March 6, 1992, Manchester VAMC, Manchester, NH. (03/1992)
17th Annual Primary Care Update--"The practical use of advance directives." October 22, 1992, Loma Linda University School of Medicine continuing medical education. (10/1992)
An honors program in Internal Medicine. SB Hardin and D Hegstad, presented as a poster at Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine 5th National Meeting. November, 1994-Boston, MA. (11/1994)
Ethics Grand Rounds: "Mistakes! Noting them, stopping them, coping with them." SB Hardin and EN Schilt. April 10, 1996, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA. (04/1996)
Medical Grand Rounds: "The difficult patient: a multi-disciplinary approach." M Gierz, O. Willis, and SB Hardin. December 18, 1996, Loma Linda University School of Medicine. (12/1996)
Research Seminar: “What does medical authorship mean?” L Loo and SB Hardin. May 20, 1998, JL Pettis Memorial VAMC, Loma Linda, CA. (05/1998)
Medical Grand Rounds: "The Failure of Advance Directives." December 6, 2000, Loma Linda University School of Medicine. (12/2000)
Ethics Grand Rounds: “Resuscitation: to attempt or not?” January 15, 2003. Camp Pendleton Naval Hospital, Fallbrook, CA. (01/2003)
VA 3rd National Leadership Conference: Pain Management: “Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Palliative Care: Ethical Issues.” March 5, 2003. Alexandria, VA. (03/2003)
Grand Rounds: “Ethical Issues and Professionalism” January 7, 2004. Dept of Dermatology, Loma Linda University School of Medicine. (01/2004)
Norris Cotton Cancer Center Grand Rounds: “Informed Consent: Progress, Stasis, Regress?” March 29, 2007. NCCC, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH. (03/2007)
Norris Cotton Cancer Center Grand Rounds: “Rational Decision Making” February 28, 2008. NCCC, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH. (02/2008)
Norris Cotton Cancer Center Grand Rounds: “Endpoints: What counts? For whom?” January 15, 2009. NCCC, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH. (01/2009)