

  • Design Principles that Optimize Success with Single Implants and Their Crowns. The 5th Global American Academy of Implant Dentistry Conference 2019. New Delhi, India. February 29, 2019. (02/2019)
  • How To Encourage Incisal Migration Of Soft Tissue Around Both Teeth And Implants That Are Restored With Single Crowns In The Esthetic Zone. American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics. Chicago, Illinois. February 22, 2019. (02/2019)
  • Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Fixed Prosthodontics; How To Encourage Incisal Migration Of Soft Tissue Around Teeth And Implants Restored With Single Crowns; Intraoral Scanning of Edentulous Patients; and Tooth Retention Through Endodontic and / or Periodontal Treatments versus Tooth Replacement using Implants or FPDs: Which Treatment is Best?  Naval Postgraduate Dental School, Bethesda, Maryland. March 22, 2019. (03/2019)
  • Key Factors to Achieve Effective Learning. Future Leaders in Prosthodontics (FLIP 8). Chulalongkorn University. March 4, 2019. (03/2019)
  • Implant-Related Complications: Causes, Prevention, and Management. Indian Prosthodontic Society, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. April 5, 2019. (04/2019)
  • Computer-aided engineering of complete dentures and implant prostheses: Clinical experiences that include the recent use of intraoral scanning for edentulous patients. Japan Prosthodontic Society, Sapporo, Japan, May 12, 2019. (05/2019)
  • Tooth Retention Through Root Canal and/or Periodontal Treatments Versus Tooth Replacement Using Dental Implants or Fixed Partial Dentures: Which Treatment Is Best? International Academy of Endodontics, Scottsdale, Arizona, June 28, 2019. (06/2019)
  • Contemporary Principles and Clinical Procedures Governing the Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth. The American College of Prosthodontists Board Review Course, Miami, Florida, October 30, 2019.   One Prosthodontist’s Perspective Regarding When to Save Teeth and When to Extract Teeth. The American College of Prosthodontists Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, October 30, 2019.   Computer-aided engineering of complete dentures and implant prostheses: History, data, and clinical experiences that include the intraoral scanning of edentulous patients. Prosthodontic Society Singapore. November 10, 2019. (11/2019)
  • Clinical Complications with Single Implants and Their Crowns. Colorado Prosthodontic Society, November 6, 2023. (11/2023)
  • Almost Lost in the Implant Monomania: Giving Teeth a Chance & When Implants are Needed, The Benefits of Collaboration. Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics. Monterey, California, June 20, 2024. (06/2024)


  • Computer-Aided Engineering of Complete Dentures and Monolithic Implant Prostheses. Bangkok Implant Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, February 11, 2015. (02/2015 - 01/2013)
  • (03/2015)
  • Computer-Aided Engineering of Complete Dentures, Implant Prostheses, and Monolithic Prostheses. The American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, March 1, 2015.   (03/2015)
  • Clinical Complications in Fixed Prosthodontics. Indiana Academy of General Dentistry, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 8, 2015. (05/2015)
  • How to Write a Publishable Paper. Evidence-Based Dentistry Course.  The Academy of Prosthodontics, Austin, Texas, April 30, 2015. (05/2015)
  • Computer-Aided Engineering of Complete Dentures & Complete Arch Implant Prostheses. Future University, Cairo, Egypt. January 3, 2024. (01/2024)