Abstract accepted for poster session at American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting
Title: Child with a History of Transplant and Pneumonia with Chronic Lymphocytic Bronchiolitis and Antibody Deficiency. Abstract 5048. Authors: Chioma Enweasor and Barbara Ariue
Abstract accepted for poster session at American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting
Title: Respiratory Distress, Persistent Oral Candidiasis, Draining Kerion, Skin Abscesses and Onychomycosis in a 3 yr old Male. Authors: Chioma Enweasor and Barbara Ariue
Abstract accepted for poster session at American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 2020 Annual Meeting
Title: Antioxidant Gene Expression in Airway Smooth Muscle and Epithelial Cells is upregulated by SyntheticSecoisolaricesinol Diglucoside ( LGM2605). Authors: Chioma Enweasor, Cameron Flayer, Angela Linderholm, Lisa Franzi, Thais Sielecki and Angela Haczku
Oral Presenatation at Clinical Immunology Society April 2021.
Chioma Enweasor M.D, Sean Deane M.D, John Belko M.D, Henry H Hill M.D. Variant X-Linked Chronic Granulomatous Disease Associated with A409E Mutation in CYBB.