
Scholarly Journals--Published

  • Bush DA, Dunbar RD, Bennet R, Slater JD, Cheek GA, Slater JM.  Pulmonary injury from proton and conventional radiotherapy as revealed by CT.  American Journal of Roentgenology 172:732-739, March 1999 (Present - 03/1999)
  • Stark P, Watkins G, Hildebrant-Stark H, Dunbar R.  Episternal ossicles.  Radiology 165:143, 1987 (Present - 1987)
  • Dunbar RD. Radiologic appearance of compromised thoracic catheters, tubes and wires.  Radiologic Clinics of North America.  W.B. Saunders (Present - 09/1984)
  • Dunbar RD.  Radiologic signs of left heart failure.  The Journal of Respiratory Disease.  Vol 4, No. 7, 21-241, 1983 (Present - 1983)
  • Dunbar RD, Woods D.  Recognizing atelectasis from the chest film.  The Journal of Respiratory Diseases, Number 9, 10, 11, 1981 (Present - 1981)
  • Dunbar RD, Mitchell R, Lavine M.  Aberrant locations of central venous catheters.  Lancet 1:711-715, 1981 (Present - 1981)
  • Boyd W,Baloga J, Dunbar R, Toomey F.  Lymphangiography in cervical carcinoma.  Applied Radiology, 1980 (Present - 1980)
  • Jacobsen W, Smith D, Briggs B, Dunbar R.  Aberrant catheter placement for total parenteral nutrition.  Anesthesiology 50:152-154, February, 1979 (Present - 1979)
  • Toomey F, Dunbar R, Lavine M.  Pitfalls in Radiologic diagnosis of pneumothorax.  Hospital Medicine Volume XV, 12:27-33 (Present - 11/1979)
  • Dunbar RD, Boyd W, et al.  Mediastinal and extrapleural masses in a young adult.  Chest 74 5:565, (Present - 11/1978)
  • Dunbar RD, Sarcoidosis and its Radiologic manifestations.  CRC Critical Reviews in Diagnostic Imaging.  Vol. 11, Issue 2, December 1978 (Present - 1978)
  • Dunbar RD, Toomey F, Centerwall W.  Radiologic signs of the 4 p-Syndrome.  Radiology, 117:395-396, November 1975 (Present - 11/1975)

Book Review - Scholarly Journals--Published

  • Dunbar RD.  Five Loma Linda case studies published in the American College of Radiology learning Laboratory.  1972 (Present - 1972)

Books and Chapters

  • Book Chapter - Egan''''s Fundamentals of Respiratory Therapy, Chest Radiology, CV Mosby Co., Sheldon R, 1982 (Present - 1982)
  • Burton G, Hodgkin J, Dunbar R. Teaching Notebook on Chest Disease.  Privately published.  1976 (Present - 1976)