Research Projects & Grants


  • The Association Between Physical Activity and Well-being of Dementia Patients’ Caregivers, Role: PI, LLU Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles, and Disease Prevention, (08/2023) Status: Approved
  • TRAUMA-INFORMED HEALTHY LIFESTYLE PROGRAM FOR TRANSITIONAL AGE FOSTER YOUTH, Role: PI, LLU Dept. of Nutrition, (08/2022 - 08/2024) Status: Completed
  • Attitudes and Beliefs that Impact Stigmas Among Black Women Seeking Mental Health Services, Role: Investigator, LLU Center for Community Resilience, (03/2022) Status: Approved
  • Lifestyle and Infectious Disease Study (LID), Role: PI, LLU Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles, and Disease Prevention, (04/2021 - 04/2022) Status: Approved
  • Cross-cultural assessment of stressful life events and the influence of social capital, Role: Investigator, LLU Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles, and Disease Prevention, (02/2020 - 01/2024) Status: Completed
  • The Health and Spirituality Survey, Role: PI, LLU Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles, and Disease Prevention, (10/2019 - 10/2024) Status: Approved
  • Survey of perceived stress and diet quality, Role: PI, LLU Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles, and Disease Prevention, (09/2019) Status: Approved
  • Office worker behavior health study, Role: PI, LLU Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles, and Disease Prevention, (09/2019 - 08/2024) Status: Completed
  • Polypharma Study, Role: PI, LLU Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles, and Disease Prevention, (09/2018 - 09/2019) Status: Completed
  • Hong Kong lifestyle study, Role: PI, LLU Dept. of Health Promotion and Education, (07/2018 - 07/2019) Status: Completed
  • Survey of dietary patterns in Loma Linda, Role: PI, LLU Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles, and Disease Prevention, (09/2017) Status: Completed
  • Evaluating changes in family functioning following the shapedown program, Role: PI, LLU Dept. of Health Promotion and Education, (02/2016 - 02/2017) Status: Completed
  • Ecological predictors of health literacy and tobacco use in Black college students, Role: Investigator, LLU Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles, and Disease Prevention, (07/2015) Status: Completed
  • Water-pipe smoking: It's role in initiation of cigarette smoking in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Role: Investigator, LLU Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles, and Disease Prevention, (01/2015) Status: Completed
  • The effects of socio-economic, built-environment, and food environment factors on childhood obesity in Montclair, California, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Health Promotion and Education, (07/2012 - 07/2013) Status: Completed
  • The hookah trend among a Southern California community college population, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Health Promotion and Education, (05/2012 - 05/2013) Status: Completed
  • Factors that affect parents misperception of overweight or obesity in their children, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Health Promotion and Education, (03/2011) Status: Completed
  • Chewing betel nut and smoking behaviors among Yapese adults, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Health Promotion and Education, (01/2011) Status: Completed
  • Body weight perceptions and weight control behavior among adult Bermudians, Role: Investigator, LLU School of Public Health, (10/2008 - 10/2009) Status: Completed
  • Influence of acculturation and psychosocial predictors of smoking status of Portuguese immigrants in California, using the transtheoretical model of behavior change, Role: Investigator, LLU School of Allied Health Professionals, (03/1998) Status: Completed
  • Long-term abstinence of smoking: the freedom from tobacco program, Role: PI, LLU School of Public Health, (08/2024) Status: Completed

Non-Profit Organization

  • Full plate diet clinical trial, Role: PI, Ardmore Institute of Health, (07/2020 - 07/2021) Status: Completed
  • Fiber Intake and Microbiota; The Full Plate Diet, Role: PD/PI, Ardmore Institute of Health, (03/2020 - 12/2020) Status: Closed
  • Full Plate Diet Clinical Trial, Role: PD/PI, Ardmore Institute of Health, (03/2017 - 11/2019) Status: Closed

Other Research

  • Hong Kong Lifestyle Study, Becky Ng, Miranda Wong, Peter Chuk, Larry Beeson, Alaa Alabadi, Josileide Gaio, Wenes Reis, Hildemar Dos Santos (2015 to present) Hong Kong Adventist Study. Main features: Spirituality and Health, Spirituality and Lifestyle, Lifestyle Index and Health. One article was published, and one article is still pending more reviews and submission. (01/2015 - 06/2023)
  • Health and Spirituality – association with a spirituality scale and a lifestyle index. Hildemar Dos Santos, Umang Sharma, Alaa Alabadi (2019) (06/2019 - 2023)
  • Stress and Diet – comparison with the Perceived Stress Scale and the Healthy Lifestyle Index. Hildemar Dos Santos, Umang Sharma, Alaa Alabadi, (2019)   (06/2019 - 2023)
  • White Collar Employees Clinical Trial – compared employees with a prompt for exercise activities during working hours. Brenda Koranda, Kaled Bahjri, Ernie Medina, Hildemar Dos Santos (2021) (06/2021 - 2022)
  • Pickleball study – to evaluate if pickleball had an addictive component and benefits for lifestyle-related diseases. Cathy Oms, Adam Arechiga, Hildemar Dos Santos, Ernie Medina (2020) (06/2020 - 2021)
  • Weight Management Case Studies - Plant-based diet and lifestyle prescription for two patients - 20 weeks of follow-up. Natalie Green and Hildemar Dos Santos Significan drop in BMI for both participants. Male dropped 2.9 kg/m2 and woman dropped 1.9 kg/m2 (06/2018 - 2018)
  • Heart disease mortality among seniors in the AHS 2. Luu, S, Beeson, L, Fraser, G, Dos Santos, H (2015) Diet patterns and hospitalization among the elderly in the AHS 2. Ongoing dissertation. Concept paper approved both by the PC and AHS 2 committees. (04/2015 - 04/2017)
  • The Fiber Index - FINDEX ® Dr. Dos Santos, 2015 Developing of an instrument to assess and manage fiber intake for weight management. Validation and research is being done among the participants of the Full Plate Diet Program at LLU Drayson Center Preventive Care Clinic.   (04/2015)
  • Stress and Hypertension. Remillard, S, Montgomery, S, Casiano, L, Wilson C, Dos Santos, H (2015) Health Disparities: Stress, Sleep and Hypertension in Black Males. Findings from The Project CHANGE study. No association found (01/2015 - 04/2015)
  • Hookah and smoking behavior in Saudi Arabia. Alanizi, N, Job, J, Singh, P, Dos Santos, H, Lee, J. (2015) Association between Hookah (waterpipe smoking) to smoking behavior in a Saudi-Arabia community. Ongoing dissertation. Dissertation deffended and passed. One article published, other article pending. (04/2014 - 04/2015)
  • Hypertension and Water intake. Dos Santos, H, Celestin M. (2014)  Cross sectional investigation among patients at the Drayson Center Preventive Care Clinic – No association found – unpublished (01/2014 - 03/2015)
  • Stress and Depression in Black Males in Riverside and New York. The Project CHANGE. No association was found. Remillard, S, Montgomery, S, Casiano, L, Wilson C, Dos Santos, H (2015) (06/2015 - 2015)
  • Lifestyle modification in a lifestyle medicine center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Sella, LF, Modeste, N, Gomes EP, Dos Santos, H, Petersen, F, Costa Ferreira, A (2014). Effect of a 6-day inpatient lifestyle modification program on lifestyle habits and cardiovascular risk factors in a subgroup of Seventh-Day Adventists from the ADVENTO Study cohort. Unfinished study. (01/2014 - 12/2014)
  • Eating time in the AHS. Dos Santos, H, Gil, G, Luu, S. (2014)   The association between eating time and weight in the Adventist Health Study I – Results showed no association with eating time and weight, however variables like calorie intake and exercise were not available in the sample. Unpublished (04/2013 - 04/2014)