Professional Development


  • Health and Wellness Coach - Advanced Level Course (04/2018 - 05/2018)
  • Health and Wellness Coach Certificate by Real Balance (06/2017 - 07/2017)

Post-doc Training

  • Certified Nutrition Specialist - CNS Certified up to 2016. The CNS credential allows the professional to deliver nutrition assessment and counseling to patients who have nutrition and lifestyle related chronic diseases. Must renew CEU to maintain certification. (10/2011 - 12/2017)
  • Certified Exercise Physiologist (CEP)  - American College of Sports Medicine -  2001 The former Health and Fitness Specialist HFS credential is a professional that promotes exercise as a tool or even as a medicine to prevent, rehabilitate and treat chronic diseases. Currently certified up to 2017. In 2015, the certificate name was changed to Certified Exercise Physiologist. CEU required every 4 years. (11/2001 - 11/2017)
  • Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) - certificated since 2001. The CHES is an important tool for health educators that gives them the credential to speak and act in public health specially in my case in community health. Certified through 2017. Must keep CEU credits to maintain certification. (09/2001 - 09/2017)

Seminars and Conferences

  • Global Health Seminar of the General Conference of the SDA church (07/2019)
  • I Congress of Lifestyle Medicine in South America Presented by the Latin American Association of Lifestyle Medicine in Peru. Attended sessions and speaker on the event. (12/2017)
  • Webinar about Residential Lifestyle Centers and its benefits. Webinar presented by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (10/2017)