
International Service

  • WORLD VISION INDIA, World Vision International, World Vision US Advisor on evaluation of the Integrated Programme for Child Health, a 3 year, multi-sectoral program throughout India in World Vision India community based programs. Responsible for overall guidance and mentoring for the team. Lead for one field site visit team.Part of a LLU team lead by Dr. Marc Debay, and team members Dr. Crissy Irani, LLUSPH Global Health MPH; Raina Pandit,  LLUSPH Global Health MPH student; Dr. Marcus Heisler,  FPM Resident and MPH student.  For one month prior to the 3 week field work, the team prepared the evaluation design and began data analysis of program data, which included additional LLU team members Dr. Karen Studer and Dr. Margarete Nzinwa.The field team was joined by World Vision International regional advisor, Support Office Nutrition and Evaluation Advisors, and WV Global Center for Nutrition advisors.  World Vision India program personnel and Evaluation personnel were also members of this participatory evaluation. (08/2015 - 02/2016) (link)
  • Peace Corps, Nicaragua 5/1976-2/1979 Served as health volunteer in Bonanza, Nicaragua.  Helped establish a non-governmental integrated rural development organization serving the indigenous Mayangna population in 14 communities surrounding Bonanza, Siuna and Rosita.  Trained auxiliary nurses to function as trainers of community health workers and empirical midwives.  Planned and conducted training courses for community health workers and empirical midwives from each community. Conducted community development activities in each community with the team of community development workers from the organization. (05/1976 - 02/1980)