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  • Pro-Bono Evaluation Advisor for World Vision India Integrated Programming for Child Health: Final Evaluation.   World Vision India and World Vision International. 08/2015 – 02/2016 WV International identified Marc Debay of Loma Linda University (LLU) to complement and lead the IPCH Final Evaluation Core Team, composed of the following members. Core Team Name Affiliation Marc Debay Loma Linda University. Team Leader, FE Team Lead Esther Indriani WVI Regional Office South Asia and the Pacific Nirmal Kumar WV India, Head, Strategic Evaluation Grana Selvi WV India, IPCH David C WV India, IPCH Bridget Aidam WVI GC – Evidence and Learning Carolyn Macdonald WVI GC – Sustainable Health Miriam Yiannakis WVI GC – Sustainable Health Dennis Cherian WV US (unable to travel to India) WV International agreed that Marc Debay could work with a team of students, resident and faculty from LLU, hereafter called the LLU Team. The composition of the LLU Team and the role and location of work of its member follows. LLU Team Name Role Location Marc Debay Team Lead LLU & India Raina Pandit Team Coordinator, qualitative research LLU & India Crissy Irani Evaluation Research Associate LLU & India Marcus Heisler Medical Resident - Research LLU & India Katherine Jones Debay Pro bono Evaluation Advisor LLU & India N. Margarete Ngozi Evaluation Research Advisor LLU Karen Studer Evaluation Research Advisor LLU During the three weeks of field work in India, the following staff members from WV India and various WV Support Offices, hereafter called the Extended Team, joined the Core and the LLU Team. Extended Team Name Affiliation Name Affiliation V.A. Praveen Kumar WV India Emershia Sharmine WV India K. Sadhu Babu WV India Rose Ndolo WV UK Francis Simon WV India Mami Takahashi WV Japan Sudipta Ranjan Ram WV India Celia Donald WV UK Raja Solomon WV India Heidi Heikkinen WV Finland Anita Victor WV India     The Core Team, the LLU Team and the Extended Team are referred to hereafter as the FE Team. The Core Team and the LLU Team defined the final evaluation design based on the objectives and timeframe in the Statement of Work (see Appendix A). This initial design was then revised to include the various opinions, points of views and logistical constraints that appeared throughout the evaluation process working with the FE Team. The final design, methods and tools of the FE are presented here in a chronological manner, as it evolved and was implemented.  The various data sources and methods adopted by the FE Team constitute the six components of the FE design described below. Document reviewsThe LLU Team reviewed the “Pre-read” documents that WV India provided to understand the overall rationale, design and implementation of IPCH. This first review contributed to the overall design of the FE presented above.  The identification, collection and review of new documents continued throughout the evaluation as guided by the information needed to answer the specific FE Questions. Key Informant InterviewsA total of 49 Key Informant Interviews were conducted with various target groups in the ten Field Visit ADPs. Another 21 KIIs were conducted with FE Core Team members; other WV International and WV India team members; other WV India staff members; and government officials. Focus Group DiscussionsA total of 39 Focus Group Discussions were conducted in the ten Field Visits ADPs with the following main target groups: Lactating or Pregnant Mothers, Anganwadi Workers, ASHA Workers, and Adolescent Girls.   Web Survey of ADP managersA web-based survey was developed to complement the information gathered from the ten Field Visits ADPs, and sent to the 72 ADP Managers implementing IPCH through September 2015. The questionnaire included 25 open-ended, binary, and multiple-choice questions. The response rate was excellent, with 59 of the 72 ADP Managers (82%) responding. Secondary analysis of quantitative dataIPCH collected data and produced documents on many programme indicators through different surveys and routine monitoring methods. The LLU Team considered various databases to assess the current levels and the changes in the prevalence of malnutrition in all ADPs implementing IPCH, and decided to use the existing Door To Door (DTD) census and Family Book (FB) data for this purpose. Group discussionsincluded various WV India and WV International staff members in addition to the FE Team members. Group discussions were facilitated during the final week at the World Vision Headquarters in Chennai. A series of facilitated group presentations and round table discussions helped communicate information from the various field visits. These discussions contributed to answer the FE Questions related to each Objective. This participatory approach strengthened the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the FE Team.  (08/2015 - 02/2016)