
Scholarly Journals--Accepted

  • Caswell S, Phaeton B, Cramer S, Wilson A, Florian R, Johnson, S.  Research to Radicchio:  Process Implementation of a Therapeutic Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) Inpatient Menu Within a Large Academic Healthcare SystemInternational Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention  – in press – 2024. (2024)

Scholarly Journals--Published

  • Bansal S, Cramer S, Stump M, Wasserstrom S. Lifestyle Medicine Electives: Options for Creating Curricula Within Medical School Training. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/15598276221147181 (01/2023)
  • Trilk J, Worthman S, Shetty P, Wilson A, Studer K, Wetherill M, Whelan L, Bansal S, Alexander M, Frates B, Cramer S, Rea B.  Undergraduate Medical Education:  Lifestyle Medicine Curriculum Implementation StandardsAmerican Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.  April 2021 (04/2021)
  • Dos Santos H, Galust H, Cramer S, Wilson C, Montgomery S, Dias D, Gaio J. (2019)  Psychosocial and Behavioral Predictors of Successful Weight Loss in Individuals that are ObeseInternational Journal of Advanced Nutritional and Health Science  7(1): 343-353. (09/2019)
  • Dos Santos H, Reis WP, Cramer SR, Wilson C, Montgomery S. (2019).  Impact of a Funded (Sponsored) Versus an Unfunded Clinical Weight Management Program on Obesity.  The Journal of Applied Sciences Research 5(3): 21-31. (08/2019)
  • Cramer SR, Nieman DC, Lee JW. (1991) The effects of moderate exercise training on mood states in womenJournal of Psychosomatic Research 35: 437-449. (01/1991)
  • Cramer, SR, Nieman DC, Lee JW.  (1990) The effects of moderate exercise training on personality traits in womenAnnals of Sports Medicine 5:128-132. (06/1990)