Leopold Koss Lecture: Help a Woman, Help the Planet (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
Seminars and Conferences
Women in Medicine
Women in Medicine
Practical Issues in Melanocytic Lesions (Los Angeles Society of Pathologists, Inc Meeting)
Inflammatory Skin Disease Every Pathologist Should Know (Los Angeles Society of Pathologists, Inc Meeting)
Deceptive Soft Tissue Tumors: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Los Angeles Society of Pathologists, Inc Meeting)
Small Biopsies of Inflammatory & neoplastic Lesions of the Oral Cavity (Los Angeles Society of Pathologists, Inc Meeting)
Salivary Glands: new and Old Entities (Los Angeles Society of Pathologists, Inc Meeting)
HPV Related Carcinoma (Los Angeles Society of Pathologists, Inc Meeting)
How to Diagnose Small Biopsy Samples of the Sinonasal Tract (Los Angeles Society of Pathologists, Inc Meeting)
Stratigies in Cytopathology Education: Cytopathology Milstones and Clinical Competency Committees (American Society of Cytopathology)
Cell Blocks and Ancillary Tests in Cytopathology Review (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
Achieving Spceimen Adequacy at EBUS-FNA: A Case-based Approach with Emphasis on Ancillary Testing (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
Primary HPV Screening - Pros, Cons and Implications for Clinical Practice (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
(11/2014 - 10/2014)
HPV-related Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: Cytopathology a Promising Diagnostic Standard Test in the Future (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
Innovations and Trends in Cytopathology: Recent Advances in Head and Neck and Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
Approach to Pancreaticobiliary Cytology: A Step Towards Recommendations and Guidelines: Sponsored by the Papanicolaou Society Of Cytopathology (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
Effusion Cytology Work-up: The Old and the New (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
Cytologic Interpretation of Pancreatic and Bile Duct Brushings: Diagnositc Criteria and Challenges (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
Cervical Cytology Updates: ASCCP Management Guidelines for Abnormal Resulsts, HPV Primary Screening Guidelines, and Challenging Case Examples (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
(11/2014 - 10/2014)
Poster Presentations I (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
State of the Art Symposium: Can Cytopathology, Radiology and Molecular Markers put Together the Pieces of the Adrenal Mass Puzzle? (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
Platform Presentations 1- 4 (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
Imporving FNA Technique with as Introduction to US Guidance - A Practical Hands-on Workshop (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
Women in Medicine
(11/2014 - 10/2014)
Current Issues 2: Bethesda 3: What's New in Gynecologic Cytology (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
The College of American Pathologists Fine-Needle Aspiration Glass Slide Program Online Assessment; July 8, 2014
Peer-Review program involving the review of glass slides of non-gynecologic cytopathology cases with subsequent feedback regarding comparison of results/answers to national peers.
The College of American Pathologists Fine-Needle Aspiration Glass Slide Program Online Assessment
Peer-Review program involving the review of glass slides of non-gynecologic cytiopathology cases with subsequent feedback regarding comparison of results/answers to national peers.
The College of American Pathologists Fine-Needle Aspiration Glass Slide Program Online Assessment
Diagnositc Cytology Seminar (American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting)
(11/2013 - 11/2014)