

  • Presentation: Locations of the TMJ disc in MR images and its characteristics*Roberts D, Carvlin M, Christiansen EL, Daniel J, Sca;ino R, Zaki A.Int and Am Assoc Dent Res 9-13 Mar 1988. Montreal, Canada (03/1988)
  • Presentation: MR signal characteristics of TMJ soft tissue*Roberts D, Carvlin, M Christiansen EL, Daniel J Scapino R, Zaki A.Int  and AM assoc Dent Res. 9-13 March 1988. Montreal, Canada (03/1988)
  • Presentation. *Lam EWN, Hannam AG, Christiansen EL. Int and Am Assoc Dent Res. 9-13 March 1988. Montreal, Canada (03/1988)
  • Poster Presentation. Variations in Abnormal Temporomandibular Disc Positions and Morphology. Faculty Schowcase. LLU 2018 (09/2018)
  • Poster Presentation: American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. San Antonio, TX, Temporomandibular Condylar Osteochondromas: Characteristis and complications. Christiansen EL, Abramovitcy K, Roche S, Rice DD (10/2018)