Research Projects & Grants


  • Investigation into Physiologic Mechanisms of Intraneural Facilitation™, Role: PI, LLU Dept. of Allied Health Studies, (12/2022) Status: Approved
  • Analysis for the Assessment of Neural Ischemia in Response to Intraneural Facilitation™ from 10/2020 to 7/2022, Role: PI, LLU Dept. of Allied Health Studies, (08/2022) Status: Approved
  • Effect of Gluten-Free Dietary Education and Intraneural Facilitation Therapy on Quality of Life in People with Diabetic Neuropathy, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Physical Therapy, (11/2021) Status: Approved
  • Neuropathic Therapy Center Research Database of Clinical Patient Data, Role: PI, LLU Dept. of Allied Health Studies, (01/2021) Status: Approved
  • The effect of intraneural facilitation therapy on diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Physical Therapy, (07/2019) Status: Completed
  • Intraneural facilitation as a treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome: A pilot study, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Neurology, (09/2019 - 09/2020) Status: Completed
  • Investigator initiated CIPNGRASP: A pilot study of intraneural facilitation for managing chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Medicine, (05/2024 - 05/2025) Status: Approved
  • Intraneural vascular facilitation by modified osteopathic holds as adjunct care for chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Physical Therapy, (07/2014) Status: Completed
  • Investigation into Potential Biological Mechanisms Influenced By Intraneural Facilitation Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, Role: PD/PI, LLU - GRASP, (01/2022 - 12/2024) Status: Awarded
  • Intraneural facilitation: Managing chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, Role: Physical Therapist, LLU - GRASP, (04/2017 - 01/2022) Status: Awarded