
Accreditation Support -- LLU

  •  LCME and WASC accreditation committee advanced preparation. Review of all academic programs.   (09/2010 - 09/2011)
  • WASC committe for accrediation visit which will occur in 2010. Dr. PD Hughes chairs the committee with the Academic Program coordinators. I serve as the Coordinator for Pharmacology. We meet every Tuesday for 1-2 hrs until our self study is done. I have prepared Appenix G which is the report on our standards for faculty quality. I also prepared Appendix Q which is a report on the market trends in employment for PhD graduates in Biomedical studies. (03/2009 - 10/2009)
  • I serve as the Vice Chairman of the Division of Pharmacology, School of Medicine. (2009 - 10/2009)
  • LCME accreditation committee. 20 hrs preparing LCME report on Faculty resources for secondary site visit from LCME committee on July 6, 2009. (07/2009)
  • LCME self study for 2008 LCME site visit. WASC Program Self Assessment study group for new Integrated Biomedical Graduate Studies (IBGS) course. Development of WASC assessment documents. (04/2008 - 10/2008)

Committee Membership (LLU)

  • Basic Sciences Administrative Team. Meets twice a month thoughout the academic year. (07/2021 - 07/2022)
  • Admissions Committee NSBB programs. This committee meets regularly from March-June of each academic year. Voting member for admission to Basic Science PhD and MD/PhD programs. (07/2021 - 07/2022)
  • Academic Review Committee. This committee meets 4 times a year to review disciplinary or personal issues with students in the Basic Sciences PhD programs. (07/2021 - 07/2022)
  • Basic Sciences Translational Research Committee. This committee is chaired by SM Dean and meets 4 times a year to render guidance on research programs and to aid in financial support for research. (07/2021 - 07/2022)
  • Basic Sciences Promotions Committee. This committee meets on an as needed basis to review dossiers submitted by faculty for promotion from Assistant to Associate and Associate to Full Professor. (07/2021 - 07/2022)
  • School of Medicine Basic Sciences Tenure Committee. This committee meets as needed to consider faculty who are promoted from Assistant to Associate and Associate to Full Professor as "tenured" faculty. (07/2021 - 07/2022)
  • Academic Affairs. This committee meets reguarly throughout the academic year to track progress of students in the Basic Sciences PhD programs. (07/2021 - 07/2022)
  • Basic Sciences Curriculum Committee. This committee meets regularly to review the didactic course list for all programs in the School of Medicine Basic Sciences. (07/2021 - 07/2022)
  • School of Medicine Executive Curriculum Committee. This committee is chaired by DR's Rogstad and Shankel and reviews the content and scheuling of all of the Basic Sciences courses taught to Medical Students each academic year. (07/2021)
  • I serve on the following LLU committees. 1. Basic Science Translational Research Executive Committee (BSTREC) which meets quarterly and chaired by the Dean of the School of Medicine. 2. Basic Sciences Faculty Advisory Committee (BSFAC) which meets 2 times each quarter. 3. Graduate Student Admissions committee which reviews all applicants to our Biomedical Sciences program. This comittee is chaired by Dr. Penny Duerksen-Hughes. This committee meets 3 times per year and I spend approx 20 hrs reviewing applications. 4. Acadademic Review committee. This committee meets twice a year and reviews the progress of all graduate students and monitors academic and disciplinary issues. (06/2009 - 10/2009)
  • Vice Chair Dept Pharmacology. Serve on Basic Sciences Administrative Team. Chair: Dr. Sowers, Assoc. Dean Basic Sciences. Meets every Monday, 12-1 pm (01/2008 - 12/2008)
  • Basic Science Translational Research Executive Committee. Chair: Dr. Hadley, Dean, School of Medicine. Committee meets twice quarterly. (01/2008 - 12/2008)
  • Basic Sciences Translational Research Executive Committee - This committee meets twice per quarter and is chaired by Dr. Roger Hadley. This committee is responsible for working with the Dean of the School of Medicine and Associate Dean for Basic Sciences in strategic planning of Biomedical Research at LLU. (01/2007 - 07/2007)
  • Basic Science Administrative Team - This committee is chaired by Dr. Sowers and includes all program coordinators and Vice Chairs of School of Medicine Departments. This committee meets every Monday from 12-1pm in AH 139. (06/2006 - 07/2007)
  • Graduate Coordinators Committee - This committee is chaired by Dr. Penny Hughes and meets bi monthly to discuss education of graduate students. This committee meets from 4-5 pm on Tuesdays in AH 139. (06/2006 - 07/2007)
  • Faculty Graduate Studies Subcommittee on Dissertation Guidance Committees - This committee was chaired by Dr. Bruce Wilcox. It met for 30 hrs to draft policies on the choosing of dissertation guidance committee\'s for Doctoral students. (06/2006 - 07/2007)
  • Graduate Curriculum - Graduate Course Development for Ph.D. and MD/Ph.D. students Served on committee for the development of an Integrated Biomedical Sciences course for entering graduate students. Committee is chaired by Dr. Penny Hughes. (07/2005 - 06/2006)
  • Faculty Co-Chair Pharmacology - Faculty Co Chair Serve as faculty Co-Chair in Pharmacology for Dr. Sowers (07/2005 - 06/2006)
  • Faculty Graduate Studies Guidance Committee - Served on FGS Research Guidance Committee. Our task was to develop recommendations for the FGS in choosing research guidance committees and monitoring of student progress during their research tenure. Bruce Wilcox, Chair (07/2005 - 06/2006)
  • Graduate Course Development for Ph.D. and MD/Ph.D. students - Served on committee for the development of an Integrated Biomedical Sciences course for entering graduate students. Committee is chaired by Dr. Penny Hughes. (09/2004 - 07/2005)
  • Facutly Co Chair - Serve as faculty Co-Chair in Pharmacology for Dr. Sowers (09/2004 - 07/2005)

Committee Membership (non-LLU)

  • American Heart Association Western States Affiliate Cardiovascular Sciences II. This committee meets 1 time per year to review grants submitted to AHA. (01/2009 - 10/2009)

Society Memberships (professional)

  • I am a member of the following professional societies. 1. Associated Societies for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET). 2. Society for Neuroscience (SFN) 3. Sigma XI   (09/2010 - 09/2011)
  • Society  for Neuroscience (SFN). American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET). (01/2008 - 12/2008)