I serve in the Wildwood Women's Center. This is a pro-life ministry that provides free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to women.
(03/2023 - Present)
Children's MinistryMarried Life Ministry
(01/2018 - Present)
Committee Membership (LLU)
D.E.I. Committee (Co-chair)
(09/2023 - 06/2024)
Admissions Committee
(09/2023 - Present)
Junior Class Sponsor for ASN at LLUSN. Serve as part of Nursing dedication ceremony.
(09/2023 - Present)
Admissions Committee
(09/2022 - Present)
Society Memberships (professional)
Sigma Theta Tau - Gamma Alpha Chapter
Serve on Board as part of the Leadership Succession Committee
(01/2023 - Present)