

  • Banta J, Haviland MG. "Cost of diabetes and hypertension among California Medicaid Beneficiaries with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness." AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Orlando, FL. June 2007. (06/2007)
  • Jim Banta, Mark Haviland, Kelly Haskard, Summer Williams, M. Robin DiMatteo, Donald Anderson, Leonard Werner. "Effects of mental problems and binge drinking on adherence to treatment for hypertension: A California population study." AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Orlando, FL (06/2007)
  •  Banta JE, Morrato EH, Lee SW. (2007, November). Diabetes care among Medicaid psychiatric patients. Poster session presented at the American Public Health Association 135th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. (11/2007)
  • Banta JE, Morrato EH, Lee SW. "Diabetes care among Medicaid psychiatric patients." American Public Health Association. Washington, DC (11/2007)
  • Banta JE, Haviland MG, Montgomery S, Sabate J. (2008, March). Fruit and vegetable consumption among California adults with serious mental illness. Poster session presented at the International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition. Loma Linda, CA. (03/2008)
  •  Haviland MG, Banta JE, & Pereau M. (2008, April).  Characteristics of men and women binge drinkers:  2005 California population statistics.  Poster session presented at the meeting of the West Coast College of Biological Psychiatry, Los Angeles, CA. (04/2008)
  • Haviland MG, Banta JE & Przekop P. (2011, September).  Hospitalization charges for fibromyalgia in the United States, 1999-2007.  Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Academy of Pain Management, Las Vegas, NV.  (02/2011 - 09/2011)
  • Banta JE. (2016, March).Firearms-related Hospitalizations in California. Poster presented at Healthy People Conference. Loma Linda, CA. (03/2016)
  • Banta JE, Gina Siapco, Betty Crocker, Danielle Montoya, (2018, February). Mental health status and dietary intake among California adults: a population-based survey. 7th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition. Loma Linda, CA. (02/2018)
  • Talsania, S., Banta, J., Oh, J., Fong, M., Shannon, K. (2022, November). Coaching CDC Presumptive Approach and Pediatric Influenza Vaccination Compliance in a Community Health Center. Poster presentation at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. (11/2022)
  • Williams, L.A., Banta, J.E. (2022, November). Analyzing public health datasets relevant to North American indigenous people to describe social determinants of health, COVID-19 and other relevant conditions. Poster presentation at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. (11/2022)


  • Jim Banta, Kelly Cross-McAuley, Evelyn Trevino"Mapping a System of Children's Group Homes in San Bernardino County, California." Proceedings 22nd Annual ESRI International User Conference (2002). (07/2002)
  • Jim Banta. "Utilization and Outcomes Among Inpatient Veterans Diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure and Co-Morbid Mental Illness ." Dissertation Grant Presentations: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Rockville, Maryland (12/2004)
  • Health Services Research: An example with VA data. Lecture at LLU School of Public Health Dean Seminar. Jan 2005 (01/2005)
  • Legislating Quality in Mental Health Care. Guest lecture in HADM 534 - Legislative and Regulatory Issues. Jun 2005 (06/2005)
  • Medicaid Mental Health. Guest Lecture in HADM 510 - Health Policy. Jun 2005 (06/2005)
  • Jim Banta, Seth Wiafe. "Small-Area Analysis of Psychiatric Need and Utilization in California." 25th Annual ESRI International User's Conference. San Diego, California (07/2005)
  • Research 101. Lecture given at LLU School of Public Health Preventive Medicine Ground Rounds. Jan 2006 (01/2006)
  • Jim Banta, Seth Wiafe. "Epidemiology of Indigent Psychiatric Hospitalizations in California." 26th Annual ESRI International User's Conference. San Diego, California (08/2006 - 08/2007)
  • Seth Wiafe, Kelly Leong, Godwin Aja, Sam Soret, Jim Banta. "GIS Toolkit for Defining Access to Kidney Transplantation in California." 26th Annual ESRI International User's Conference. San Diego, California (08/2006)
  • Banta JE, Thomsen CT, Nguyen HB. (2008, October). Hospital finances and inpatient sepsis mortality. Presented at the American Public Health Association 136th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. (10/2008)
  • Wiafe S, Haglund A, Banta JE, Tong E , Handysides D,  Dyjack DT, Wekesa W.(2008, October). Rapid Need Evaluations Using Geographic Information Technologies for Vector Control surveillance in San Bernardino County. Presented at the American Public Health Association 136th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. (10/2008)
  • Banta, J.E., & Haviland, M.G. (2010, November).  A portrait of fibromyalgia using Nationwide Inpatient Sample data.  Paper presented at the meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO. (11/2010)
  • Banta, J.E., Haviland, M.G., Denmon, C., James, S. (2010, November).  A California Health Interview Survery (CHIS) study of children’s mental health services.  Paper presented at the meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO. (11/2010)
  • Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010: What does it mean? Presentation to University Faculty Council, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA. (11/2010)
  • Banta JE, Haviland MG, Babiera J. (2012, October). Serious mental illness by gender and national origin among Asian adults in California. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (10/2012)
  • Banta JE, Haviland MG, Gatto NM, Soret S, Santos E. (2014, July). Psychiatric Emergency Department visits in California, 2005-2011.Paper presented at the 2014 ESRI User Conference, San Diego, CA. (06/2014 - 07/2014)
  • Big Data Research - panel presentation at LLU Department of Medicine Academic Affairs Meeting. February 13, 2018. LLUMC Lobby Level Amphitheater (02/2018)
  • Chaudhry, M.M., Banta, J.E. (2020, October). Mental health, structural barriers and health services use before and after implementation of the affordable care act. Presentation at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Virtual. (10/2020)
  • Jean-Baptiste, C. O., Patti Herring, R., Lawrence Beeson, W., Banta, J. E., & Dos Santos, H. (2020, October). Demographic differences in stressful life events and social coping strategies. Presentation at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Virtual. (10/2020)