

  • SEE ABSTRACT SECTIOPN. "." . (Present)


  • Joo E, Tong K, Holshouser B, Shutter L, Ashwal S, Colohan A, Haacke EM. Comparison of hemorrhagic shearing injuries detected by magnetic resonance imaging to 6 month outcomes after traumatic brain injury in adults. J Invest Med 2004:52;S87-88.. "." . (Present)
  • M.Catherin Freier, Talin Babikian, Stephen Ashwal, Richard Chinnock. Predictors of Neuropsychological Outcome Following Infant Heart Transplantation. Submitted to the Child Neurology Society for the October, 2004 meeting.. "." . (07/1954 - 07/2005)
  • C. McClure, J. Cortes, R. Chinnock, S. Ashwal. Postmortem intracranial findings in children who have undergone cardiac transplantation?submitted to CNS meeting. Submitted to the Child Neurology Society for the October, 2004 meeting. . "." . (07/2004 - 07/2005)
  • D. Angeles, N.Wycliffe, B. Holshouser, D. Deming, W. Pearce, S. Ashwal Loma Linda, CA. Effect of Opioid Analgesics on MRI Scores in Asphyxiated Term Infants. Submitted to the Child Neurology Society for the October, 2004 meeting. "." . (07/2004 - 07/2005)
  • Joo E, Tong K, Holshouser B, Shutter L, Ashwal S, Colohan A, Haacke EM. Comparison of hemorrhagic shearing injuries detected by magnetic resonance imaging to 6 month outcomes after traumatic brain injury in adults. J Invest Med 2004:52;S87-88.. "." . (07/2004 - 07/2005)
  • Michelson DJ, Janner D, Raghavan R, Wycliffe D, Schuster F, Glaser C, Ashwal S . Balamuthia Encephalitis: Case Report and Literature Review. Submitted for the October 2005 Child Neurology Society meeting, Los Angeles, CA. March, 2005.. "." . (07/2004 - 07/2005)
  • S Ashwal, A Obenaus, B Tone, HR Tian, S Chong.. COMPARISON OF TWO MODELS OF NEONATAL ISCHEMIC INJURY USING MRI/DWI. Submitted for the October 2005 Child Neurology Society meeting, Los Angeles, CA. March, 2005.. "." . (07/2004 - 07/2005)
  • S. Ashwal, B.H. Holshouser, K. Tong. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Detects Diffuse Axonal Injury in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury. Submitted for the October 2005 Child Neurology Society meeting, Los Angeles, CA. March, 2005.. "." . (07/2004 - 07/2005)
  • S. Ashwal, A. Obenaus, B. Tone, HR. Tian, S. Chong. ALBUMIN DOES NOT REDUCE INFARCT VOLUME IN A RAT MODEL OF NEONATAL STROKE. Submitted for the October 2005 Child Neurology Society meeting, Los Angeles, CA. March, 2005.. "." . (07/2004 - 07/2005)
  • S. Ashwal, A. Obenaus, B. Tone, HR. Tian, S. Chong. ALBUMIN DOES NOT REDUCE INFARCT VOLUME IN A RAT MODEL OF NEONATAL STROKE. Submitted for the October 2005 Child Neurology Society meeting, Los Angeles, CA. March, 2005.. "." . (07/2004 - 07/2005)